JUNETEENTH CELEBRATION: Community Concerned Citizens II will celebrate the 20th annual Juneteenth celebration Friday to June 19 at Quinby Park with entertainment, food, vendors, style show, talent show, line dancing, live band, games, basketball tournament, history program and environmental event. Guests are asked to bring folding chairs. For information, call 330-399-1535, 330-392-5501 or 614-622-0805.
June 19, 2021, marked the 156th anniversary of the last American slaves being freed in Texas. President Joe Biden signed into law Juneteenth National Independence Day, creating a federal holiday to commemorate Juneteenth. This is the first federal holiday approved since Martin Luther King Jr. Day in 1983. This day, the oldest known celebration commemorating the end of slavery in the United States, has become a day for African Americans to celebrate not only their freedom, but their history, culture and achievements.
QUILT AND ART GUILD: An Outreach Quilt and Artist Guild to kick off Juneteenth will be Wednesday and Thursday at Quinby Park, 525 Austin Ave., Warren. Admission is free. The event will include a quilt auction, food, vendors and events for all ages. Opening ceremonies are 1 p.m. Wednesday with exhibits 1:30 to 8 p.m., featuring quilt and crochet demonstrations and quilt history and a quilt show at 6 p.m. On Thursday, there will be a Trumbull Art Gallery collage and fabric workshop 1 to 3 p.m., sewing machine demonstration at 4 p.m. and roundtable talk at 6 p.m.
HALL SEEKS NOMINATIONS: Nominations will be accepted through Wednesday for the Niles McKinley High School Alumni Hall of Fame. Applications are on the school district’s website https://www.nilescityschools.org/ under Alumni. Alumni for 2022 will be introduced at a home varsity football game with a banquet to be held at Ciminero’s Banquet Centre.
ROTARY FUNDRAISER: The Hubbard Rotary is inviting the public to fly the American flag in front of their home as part of the Hubbard flag program. Cost is $35. The Rotary will place a 3-by-5-foot American flag on a 10-foot pole between the curb and sidewalk in front of your home. Proceeds from the flag program enables the Rotary to continue a variety of projects and charitable programs. Payment should be made to the Hubbard Rotary with information at hubbardrotary@gmail.com. Mail payments to Hubbard Rotary Lease a Flag, P.O. Box 232 Hubbard, OH 44425.
BARNHISEL HOUSE OPENS: The Barnhisel House, 1011 N. State St., Girard, will be open 1 to 4 p.m. today and June 26. This month’s display is Girard businesses past and present with artifacts from different businesses. Volunteer opportunities are available by calling 330-314-2345.
COMBO PERFORMS: The Jim Frank Combo will perform 6 to 8 p.m. today at Harding Park on Myron Street in Hubbard. Those attending the free concert can bring a lawn chair,
SUMMER PROGRAM: The Girard Free Library summer library program “Oceans of Possibilities” will include the Sea Family Sidewalk Chalk days June 20 and 21. Splash Day kickoff is 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. June 22 with a mermaid.
BLOCK WATCH: Girard Second and Third wards block watch groups will meet 6 p.m. Thursday at the Girard Free Library. Donald Hyde from the Office of Elderly Affairs Senior Services division will speak on scams that target senior citizens.
COMMUNITY CLEANUP: A community volunteer cleanup will be 9 to 11 a.m. today along the Mahoning River at Perkins Park in Warren. The Ohio Geocoaching will be working with Trumbull Neighborhood Partnership and Trumbull Tourism Bureau on a community project to clean along the river.
WOMEN TO MEET: Warren Women’s Connection will meet 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. Monday at DeLucia’s Banquet Center, Warren. The theme is “Celebrate Fathers,” with Dan Barker as the speaker. To make reservations, call Joyce at 330-539-5837 or Jan at 330-638-6508.
SPELLING BEE: Trumbull Retired Teachers Association is taking registration for the spelling bee at the Trumbull County Fair. The bee is for Trumbull County students just finishing grades 1-8. Preregistration is through July 1. Parents need to call Garry to register at (216) 262-3194. The bee is at 1 p.m. July 14 on the historical stage at the Trumbull County Fair.
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• TRUMBULL COUNTY EDUCATIONAL SERVICE CENTER will meet 9 a.m. today in the conference room at the center. • ...
EDITOR’S NOTE: This is part of a weekly series on our region’s history coordinated by the Trumbull County ...
JUNETEENTH CELEBRATION: Community Concerned Citizens II will celebrate the 20th annual Juneteenth celebration ...
99 years ago in 1923 Warren Elks were planning to make the observance of Flag Day more general in Warren than ...
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